Sunday, March 14, 2010


Well, I have just had a one week break from school and it doesn’t feel as if I was on break at all. It seems as if school work consumed my whole week. I don’t know how anybody else feels about this but between A&P and English; I think I am glad to go back to school. Maybe my brain is more like a sieve than I like to think and the faster the information is pored over it, the faster it runs out. I hope not.
Anyway, I am glad to be back on daylight savings time. I need the extra hour of daylight in the evening and always seem to function better. Sometimes I think we should stay on DST year round, but that’s not my choice. It has been extended more and more over the years however.
It should be getting warmer and soon time to start working in the yard. I feel like I have pet deer in my yard. There are at least four of them and I see them in the back yard in the trees. They blend in so well that they are hard to see. I look and only see trees and then there is a slight movement and I can see the deer. After they are finished in the back, they sometimes come into the front yard and eat the grass or whatever it is that they like. Yesterday the really large one lay down in the trees and was not hidden by anything. I thought that was unusual for a deer. The other three were a little more sheltered but I could see them too, just resting I guess. I figured the large one was a buck but I don’t know for sure because they don’t have horns yet. If I had a digital camera, I would take pictures of them for my blog for everyone to see.
I did get some pictures of my cat that I wrote about last week and will try to upload them to my blog.

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