Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I don't know what anybody else thinks, but I think this blog is hard to navigate and use. I have been told how to add a picture and still can't seem to do it. The help section is useless. There must be blogs that are easier to use than this one. Does anybody know of other blogs that are more user friendly? If not, I don't think that I will ever write another blog after this English class unless another class calls for it. I have trouble commenting on other peoples blogs also. Sometimes my comments show up, sometimes they don't. I do read and enjoy classmates blogs.

I guess my frustration is showing. Perhaps when my daughter comes home from college, I will ask her to help me. It will be too late for this class, but for the future I will know what I am doing and not feel helpless and frustrated.

I did get a book from the library on Monday but it has something to do with fame and fortune and blogging. I don't think I will ever become famous and make my fortune blogging. It would be nice though if I could write a blog, make lots of money, stay at home and be my own boss. What a dream!

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