Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Runaway Truck

I am adding a link to a video from the Today show. It is a video of a woman in her car being pushed sideways down the highway by a truck. Other drivers were trying to get the attention of the truck driver but he didn’t notice. The woman was flashing her lights and beeping the horn but the driver still did not notice. Finally, she called the police from her cell phone and told them what was happening. The driver finally realized what was going on and pulled over but didn’t seem upset about what he did. He was finally suspended after the video showed up on YouTube.


A similar thing happened to my niece’s boyfriend a couple of months ago on Route 30. They had just picked up his new car and were on their home. My niece was in her car and her boyfriend was in his new car when during a merge, the truck hit his car and began pushing it down the highway. My niece saw the accident and kept trying to get the drivers attention but it took some time. He didn’t know that he hit the car and couldn’t see that he was pushing it down the highway. Finally my niece was able to get his attention to stop the truck. Luckily her boyfriend was not hurt but his new car was totaled. How’s that for rotten luck?


  1. That is so crazy!! I wonder how many times this happens. Thank goodness your nieces boyfriend is okay.

  2. Wow... so scary! The older I get the more this stuff freaks me out. I guess my mortality is becoming an ever more real concept... haha

  3. I saw the video clip on the news. This is a terrible thing to happen. I don't see how these truckers don't realize. Thankfully your nieces boyfreind is okay, but I'm sure it was a traumatic incident.
