Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tiger's Apology

What did you think of Tiger Wood’s apology? It was quite long as far as public apologies go; and personally I don’t think it was very sincere. I believe it was well rehearsed and that he is more worried about his sponsors and winning them back than caring what the public thinks about him. In order to win his sponsors back though, he may have to appear to woo the public. I believe he is mad about getting caught and having all those girlfriends speak out and tell all to get their five minutes of fame.
But isn’t it about time that people say enough is enough and what you did was wrong? Why is everybody supposed to turn away from all of the wrongdoings in today’s society and act like it is okay? When things like that are done, it just carries down through the ranks. If he or she can do it, the next person thinks its okay for them to do the same thing. What kind of example does this set for our children?
I must say though, that I have a lot of admiration for Elin and Tiger’s mother. Neither one of them is covering this up and making it easy for him. I think that shows a lot of class from both of them because when Tiger loses, they lose too. They could have just sweep it under the rug and gone on as if nothing ever happened. By the look and posture of Tiger’s mother at the public TV apology, she is deeply distressed over this and I think that her actions speak louder than words. I believe that she will stand by her son but not condone his lifestyle and actions. He must get his life in order.
Even though I think Tiger’s apology was insincere and done to prevent monetary lose, I do hope for the best outcome for his family.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Super Bowl Commercials

I have just spent the last hour writing for my blog. After I was finished, I decided that what I wrote was too personal to share with classmates or strangers on the internet. Many of you, I will never see again when this class is finished. Most of you will probably not read what I have written anyway; and even if you do will forget about it almost immediately. This is an assignment that we must do for a grade and that’s okay. It will teach me about blogs and learning is good; however, I believe I can learn without revealing personal things about myself to my classmates or the world, things that only belong to me. It has been therapeutic though to write my first blog and then not post it for everyone to see. I did the same thing last week too. I think that many things should be kept private and kids do not realize that and allow people to see too many things on their blogs, face book and other internet sites that promote this kind of thing. But enough about this, from me you will hear about the snow, pets or school and other not to personal items.
Last week I taped the Super Bowl so that I could watch the commercials without watching the game. I had no interest in the teams that were playing; however, it was a touching moment at the end when the winning quarterback and MVP (I think) was holding his son. It must be such an adrenalin rush. I can’t even begin to imagine the feeling. All those people happy and applauding just for you must be one of the best feelings in the world.
Anyway, back to the commercials. One night during the snowstorms, I decided to flip through the game and watch the commercials. It seemed like there were more commercials than game time, but I guess when they are selling ads for millions of dollars for a few seconds that’s the way it will be. Make money when you can.
I thought the commercials were a little disappointing compared to other years. My favorite though and an exception was the commercial with the Budweiser horses and the bull. So touching and the two men at the fence at the end of the commercial gave it even more meaning. It made me think about my friends and what they mean to me.
I know that everyone is raving about the Betty White commercial, but I don’t quite understand it. Maybe anyone commenting on my blog could explain it to me and also let me know which commercial was your personal favorite.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend Snowstorm

Well, I guess Professor Charlton got her wish for the big snowstorm. I believe I was in denial about the snow. I couldn’t believe how much it had snowed Friday night and was still snowing Saturday when I woke up. I hate being snowed in, even if I don’t have plans to go away. There’s just something about not being able to go someplace, even if you have no place to go.
Anyway, when it quit snowing Saturday afternoon, I decided to go outside and start shoveling the driveway. My driveway is approximately the length of a football field and that only gets me to the lane which is probably two football fields long. I have a tractor but nobody to help me put the plow on it; and to be truthful I wouldn’t know how to use it anyway, so I am at the mercy of my neighbor with his tractor and snowblower. He has been extremely kind and usually clears my driveway for which I am eternally grateful. So after shoveling about one third of my driveway, along came my neighbor with his snowblower to finish clearing the driveway. While he finished the driveway, I cleared the sidewalk and front porch. I was outside shoveling for about 2½ hours without a break. I thought that’s it for my shoveling this weekend and was hoping that my muscles wouldn’t be to sore on Sunday.
I woke up on Sunday and called my daughter who was in San Francisco for the weekend. I called to make sure she knew that we had a major snowstorm and BWI airport was closed. My daughter, Michele just recently bought a house in York city. During our conversation she asked if anyone had cleaned her sidewalks. I told her that I hadn’t left my house since Friday night and that I thought she had made arrangements to have her sidewalks and driveway shoveled. She told me that she forgot to do that. So what does Mom do? Why she jumps in her car with her snow shovel and heads off to Michele’s house to shovel her sidewalks and short driveway. So I spent another 2½ shoveling on Sunday. The best part of this story is that I had about 2 shovelfuls of snow left on the driveway and a truck with a plow comes down the alley and stops at Michele’s garage. The driver winds down the window and says, “My name is Tom and I work with Michele. I’m here to clear her driveway, sidewalks and the parking area along her curb out front. Also, the alley isn’t in very good shape, so I’ll take care of that too”. I WANTED TO CRY OR SCREAM OR SOMETHING but I guess I should be grateful that there are other people who look out for my daughter too. I only wish it was a little sooner.