Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I don't have much to post this week. It seems as if everyone is playing catch up and it's work, work, work. Does anybody else feel this way? It seems as if every holiday or vacation, I am loaded down with work. Then I think about it and there is only have a month of school left. How am I going to get all the work completed?
It's hard being back in school after so many years away and trying to discipline myself to study. Going to class is the easy part; it's the time spent on homework and assignments that's hard. I also think that it is harder to retain all the information that I need to know. I don't know how people with young children and jobs do it all and go to school too. They can't get much sleep. I admire those people. I hope that I become more adjusted to it and it becomes second nature to me, but for right now it is a struggle.

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling ya! I drove myself sick and had to leave work early Wednesday night. I came home and slept all night and all day, only getting up to get my kids off to school. I'm feeling better now. I don't know what it was but I was really yucky feeling.
